water foot
Exposure | 2021
FOOT WATERis an expographic project contemplated by the Aldir Blanc Law, which seeks to remember and provoke the imaginary of the use of the rivers and streams of Belo Horizonte by rescuing their names and also through information that demonstrates the city's relationship with its waters._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
On the pages below, it is possible to know a little more about the exhibition held on June 5, 2021 on the walking trail of Avenida dos Andradas and also about the 20 streams that flow into Ribeirão Arrudas within the Region Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte and who were visited during the research process for the exhibition.
For the execution of the project, the following were consulted:
Primer Strategic Territorial Unit Ribeirão Arrudas. CBH Rio das Velhas, Belo Horizonte, 2016.
Living Streams Project, 2020. <https://www.corregosvivos.com.br/>
Manuelzão Project, DRENURBS. Map of the location of the Ribeirão Arrudas Basin and its tributaries, 2001.
Invisible Rivers of the Mining Metropolis / Alessandro Borsagli. Belo Horizonte: Ed. by the Author, 2016.